Towards Robust and Stable Deep Learning Algorithms for Forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
Bathuan Guler, Alexis Laignelet, Panos Parpas
NeurIPS, Robust AI in Financial Services workshop, 2019
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In this project we discuss the dynamical systems point of view of deep learning to solve PDEs and compare several architectures in terms of stability, generalization, and robustness. In order to speed up the computations, we propose to use a multilevel discretization technique.
Combination of multiple Deep Learning architectures for Offensive Language Detection in Tweets
Bathuan Guler, Alexis Laignelet, Nicolo Frisiani
Preprint arXiv, 2019
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The project aims at developing an architecture that detects offensive Tweets. This is part of a challenge: OffensEval 2019, and more specifically SemEval 2019 - Task 6. The competition was based on the Offensive Language Identification Dataset.
Towards Robust and Stable Deep Learning Algorithms for Forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
Second Symposium on Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems, Fields Institute, Toronto
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Based on the research project ‘Towards Robust and Stable Deep Learning Algorithms for Forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equations’
Towards Robust and Stable Deep Learning Algorithms for Forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
ETH, Analytics Club
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Based on the research project ‘Towards Robust and Stable Deep Learning Algorithms for Forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equations’
Multi-armed bandits
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A review of the most common forms of multi-armed bandits with some practical examples.